Monday 30 January 2017

Loose AfterThoughts

A few days ago, I told my Ma, "I don't wanna go to market." She said, it's absolutely fine, we'll go some other day. Soon after a few minutes, I thought to myself, if I would have said yes, then I would have been in the market by now and shopping. But it's ok, some other day, till then I will surely add some more items to my list 😉

Usually, we just speak out something, without thinking anything, without calculating results and react the way we want to. But after some time, a few things keep revolving in the head. If I would have done that instead of this, or if I had said it the other way! The instant reaction to the situation is the best you can make out of it because that is how you actually want it to happen. Later whatever your mind thinks and imagine are only alternatives.

Sometimes afterthoughts haunt you, with all the W's set of questions such as, Why did this happen? What have I said? but once you have done something, it does not matter, how the results are, at the fire of moment you have said or done, whatever can be done at best. That is how the presence of your mind is being judged sometimes. People who are good at communication skills, don't need to think twice before speaking anything while those who are good at cooking, won't need time to think about food, on a sudden appearance of guests. They will make the best out of the situation as possible. But, not every skill is for every person. Focus on what you are good that, make it better and what you are not, try to learn and improve. We, humans, can surely learn anything if determined to.

The way you think in a situation is different from others and the thoughts you hold after some time will make you think like others. They enable you to think what others expect from you which is really not a matter of concern. What you feel and think is the right choice!

So, give your afterthoughts space to move out of your mind and do what is best for you!

Keep smiling and believe in yourself 😊

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