Wednesday 30 May 2018

Happier Development

My daily routine includes my job from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. After reaching back home, I am too exhausted to do any other work. But, as a person, I believe one should always find some "me" time in which you are improving yourself by doing things that keep you happy. So, I joined Zumba classes.

Zumba is basically moving your body on loud and fast music for at least 30 mins a day which burns body fat, increases stamina and keeps you fit. It also distracts you from the outer world and those who enjoy dancing will surely enjoy this time for themselves.

But it's not just about keeping yourself fit. The motive behind is to involve ourself in something that keeps us happy. Because if we are happy, we can keep our surroundings happier and that is ultimately going to result in a better us and society.

Being happy is the only mantra for being active

No matter what job we are in, if we are satisfied with the quality of work and learning, we are surely going to work harder and develop our personality. And the people around you will enjoy your companionship. Also, utilising your energy in some "Me" time can help you in performing better and efficiently because that will keep up the enthusiasm and interest to do something you love to do after your routine job.

To keep yourself happy, you need to be fit and active. Being lazy will only block your nerves and thinking. So just find time for yourself and start doing something for your betterment.

Keep smiling and believe in yourself 😊


  1. Learning should be a lifetime activity.

    1. Yes and also should not be forced but opted by one's own choice :)
