Friday, 11 January 2019

An honest opinion!

When you pen down your thoughts, you want people around you to like and praise it. As a general habit, I sent the link of my recent blog post to some of my acquaintances, colleagues and friends to receive a feedback for my writing work.
And most of the replies were like,

"Why don't you take up writing as your profession? You are just fantastic.."

"It's great to have a good writer as one of my colleagues.. it's just impressive.."

and a few more praising ones, except the one from my so-called best-friend 😉

"Fir kuch kaand krke ye likha hoga"

But the point that I want to make here is that I share the link with the people to get their "Honest" opinion and not just the nice words. I agree to the point that, if someone is going to say harsh words to my posts, I will definitely reply more rudely to the person, but there is a way of saying and presenting your opinion, that should not be hurting to others.

One can keep their views in such an effective way that are communicated properly to others and doesn't show your objections as well. It's not just about my blog posts, these are general communication skills. Well, this reminds me of a popular Hindi proverb:

"Saanp bhi mar jaye aur lathi bhi na toote"

which means, you make your point clear and doesn't hurt the person as well.

And things don't apply only to the person giving his views, they apply to the receiver as well. One should be sporting enough to handle all types of feedback, analyse them being unbiased and should implement them as required. If you will keep yourself narrow-minded and think that whatever you have done is always the correct thing, you will never be able to make progress.

The honest opinions are the ones which will guide you to move in developing direction and not hinder your progress. For a moment, one might be sad or even depressing thinking about those bad words, but in reality, they are some little flaws which you should try to remove and perform in a better way.

So next time you see a link to blog post, and if you don't like it, do let me know!

Listen to everyone, think about the possible outcomes and start progressing.

Keep smiling and believe in yourself 😊


  1. Ha Ha this is so true. Well I guess I always try to give honest opinion, ;), secondly I am scared of my little one.

    1. And that is why, I always wait for your feedback :)
