Tuesday, 3 September 2019

The First Meeting

To say that they were nervous, would be an understatement. Their hearts were beating as fast as it can and hands getting sweat merely with the thought of meeting each other in person. This was one-of-a-kind meeting for both of them. Their first ever.

Till afternoon both of them were confident enough and sure about what to say and discuss, but as soon as the sky dusked, both of them felt anxiety in their hearts. Days ago, if someone would have asked them to meet a person as an alliance for marriage, the topic was laughed off. But now here they were going for a rishta meeting with all the nervousness of the world.

The cafe loomed ahead and they started getting feeling of cold-feet.

What if I mess up? What if she/he doesn't want to go ahead?

Both of them running their minds on the same track. But still not sure about what the other was thinking. Sat on a side table and their eyes met. They can read the same feeling in each other eyes but not ready to admit it. And then he started with the usual casual talk.

"Oh, I love dancing as well, but I am more into traditional styles", she said with a casual smile while he nodded his head. There goes another cross-mark of opposite choices. During the hour that they had spent together, they had discussed various topics and found that their choices didn't match at all. While he liked rock music, she preferred soft. Her idea of a good evening was a nice conversation at a cafe, he was all for the party and beach. He was a movie-buff, she wasn't. He was into gaming, she was into books. And when they realised they both love food, dancing and travelling, but their preferences were all different again.

While things differ, both of them had their mind running on the same track of thoughts if these differences will matter to them or not. And being unable to keep these thoughts aside, they preferred to approach the topic directly and clear the confusions going in head.

"Look, I want to say something." When he immediately tensed up with all his ears to listen to her heart while she gave an assuring smile. "I never wanted an arranged marriage, I don't know why I even said yes for this meeting. I have always been a practical person, not believing or trusting easily. The way I behave in front of other people, you might not even know about what's going in my head. I don't know if this will work out or not. Rest the decision is up to you." She said it all in one go.

He looked into her eyes and replied, "If we can give it a try, it will definitely work. Do not worry, I am there always." She said, "But you hardly know anything about me", he stopped her midway and said, "I want to know you but I know you are a good human being and that's sufficient for me. Rest can be managed. Trust me"

She smiled and nodded her head in acceptance. He sighed with relief. Suddenly the world appeared brighter and more beautiful in a different way that was never before. And thus it started!

As he stared at her eyes filled with hope and happiness, he knew that she now owned his heart completely and he was totally okay with it.

Keep smiling and believe in yourself 😊


  1. Itni khushi hmse mil kr to ni huyi kbhi tmhe😒😒😒
