Saturday 11 August 2018

A cup of Coffee!

When you pour a cup of hot coffee, there’s a surprising amount of chemistry and physics brewing in your mug. That rich coffee aroma rises from the steam because roasting coffee beans convert bitter chlorogenic acid into a diverse set of compounds. Some smells you’d expect-fruity, spicy, earthy, vanilla-but there are a few surprises (cabbage??). And adding a splash of milk or sprinkle of sugar sets off a chain of physical reactions. Convection makes the cold milk sink while the interactions between milk and coffee molecules create the milky swirls. The Brownian motion also will spontaneously mix the coffee over time, no need for a stirrer.

Well, this is not a coffee blog post, but only to understand that a lot can actually happen over a cup of coffee. When it is prepared with so much of reactions, I am sure it can also create some magic of chemistry with your coffee mate.

I am not a hot coffee person, I am more of a cold coffee lover. Any new cafe visit in the city and I would love to try the cold coffee there. Some will definitely have great taste, while some will make you feel like you can't have more of them for your whole life. And sometimes the reason to try coffee might not be the only reason to visit a cafe, but it depends on the person with whom you are going out 😉

Settling over a cup of coffee will surely initiate great talks between you and the person and sometimes it may go up to hours that makes you forget the time. A serious discussion or a cuddly talk, either of it will work with coffee but it should be interesting enough.

Sometimes a short time spent over coffee can also create more topics of interest and you might enjoy multiple rounds of cups or can be multiple meetings as well.

So just find a random reason to meet or a stupid reason of treat and why not let us enjoy some splendid time over a cup(s) of coffee with whom we love to spend time or who love to spend time with us!

Keep smiling and believe in yourself 😊


  1. Wel elaborated ... the making of coffee ny a coffee lover ..... and whether hot or cold .... coffee remains coffee and yes the preparation itself explains many wlaks of life .... keep loving coffee ...

    1. Lots of spelling mistakes as written in excitement and without spects ha ha ha it as .. *by a coffee lover and *walks of life

    2. Thank you so much for reading the post 😊 Enjoy the Coffee Time!

  2. For me it's best way to network ha ha

    Very beautiful lines specially the first para.
