Thursday 16 August 2018

Celebrating Freedom

Belated Happy Independence Day wishes to all. Hope the day was full of patriotism for all. The Independence Day celebrations, sweets distribution, tricolour dresses, patriotic performances and speeches and last but not the least, the tricolour Flag Hoisting describes the whole day.
This post is not about how much freedom are we in today's time to express ourselves but something more than this needs to be taken care of when you are celebrating a National Day. Was it just flag hoisting yesterday or you carried a plastic flag with you to keep up the spirit of patriotism and freedom in your heart?

The day has passed and we are back to our routine life today. But the plastic flag that you carried along, is it still kept carefully, stuck to its place or just disposed of somewhere on the road. Someone else will come and collect the garbage to be disposed of along with that plastic flag. Is that how we show respect to our country?

There are several points one need to focus on:
Firstly, is that the way to show respect to your own country flag?
Secondly, is freedom only represented by buying plastic flags and doing nothing for the rest of the year?
Thirdly, aren't we polluting our own environment?
There can be more, but these all are which I can think right now.

Celebrating Independence Day is great. But only a day dedicated to good deeds in order to show that we respect our country and celebrate freedom is not a good idea. It should be a continuous process so that every year on Independence Day we can evaluate ourselves and the progress of our country. Those who are in need of your help that you do on the name of Independence Day don't have time to wait for a year. If that can be done anytime round the year, that will be more of a help to them and respect towards our own country.

Apart from this, people carry flags painted on their faces and other body parts. How come you are so devoted to your country for a day when you have saying ill about the country for rest of the time, planning to get a job in some foreign country and settle there and still doing nothing to improve the conditions? Don't we say, charity begins at home? Let us change our mindset and start contributing towards society and country welfare, no matter what the medium can be.

After all this, do we really need to consume plastic flags on Independence Day? That plastic flag is nowhere showing your devotion to country, neither it is helping anyone nor you are saving the environment. It will ultimately pollute the environment which will, in turn, affect our own lives. Last but not least, I would like to request you all to kindly collect all the plastic flags you find nearby and dispose of them at a proper place instead of leaving them here and there.

So let us take an oath for making our lives beautiful, society helpful and country cheerful to help people around and save the environment.

Keep smiling and believe in yourself 😊

1 comment:

  1. Nice thoughts, wrapped nicely ( thankfully not in plastic :) ) , but apane dil ki baat kahun to I hate independence day. We should have a national day but why independence day,,,,, that gives us a feeling ' we were slaves ' and who wants to live with that ? Let be bygone be bygones.
