Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Do not blabber, but communicate

If you have so many complaints with a person, why don't you let them move out of your life or just keep yourself away! What good it is if you are only humiliating them every time you talk and not finding any good quality in them? Why turn yourself so negative that you think of yourself as a perfect person and all others are not even a bit of it!

Each and every person in this world has his own sense of understanding things. You don't follow a practice doesn't mean others should not follow or others cannot follow. It's their choice. And if it was only a suggestion, then you need to understand the difference between forcing your choices and suggesting your choices. Maybe, that is because you haven't understood the need for effective communication yet.

Effective communication has its own whole steps to be followed. In general terms, it refers to the "reciprocal" exchange of information, ideas, facts, opinions, beliefs, feelings & attitudes effectively through verbal or nonverbal means from one entity to another. Communication done both ways can only be considered as effective communication.

If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear.

We all know the difference between hearing and listening, reading and understanding, but how much do we practice them in real life? And also if you will talk to a person sometimes, without being sarcastic, will that harm your personality?

Following are the steps (only trying to explain via examples) one can try implementing in their life and observe the changes:

> Listen more carefully and responsively: For eg, in a bookstore, a seller might say, after listening to a customer: “I hear that you want XYZ book of ABC genre, but that is not available for a week. In the meantime, you can try other books of the same genre.”

> Explain your conversational intent and invite consent: For eg, “Hi Mary, I need to ask for your help on my project. Got a minute to talk about?”

> Express yourself more clearly and completely: For eg, “Son, I saw you racing bike, I was really disappointed because I imagine that you are going to meet an accident and I want you to drive safely next time onwards, so that you can stay in one piece always and I can stop worrying about you.”

> Move from criticisms to requests: For eg, “Would you order two reams of copy paper today so that we don’t run out.”

> Asking questions more "Open-Endedly" and more creatively: For eg, “How are you feeling about all this?”

> Expressing more appreciation, gratitude, encouragement, and delight: For eg, “When I had those cupcakes, I felt amazed and delighted because those were the best cupcakes I have had ever in my life.”

> Adopt a continuous learning approach: For eg, Follow the above-mentioned steps 😉

Once you will try to adapt these in your daily life, you might feel uncomfortable at first. But soon you will observe a healthier and happier environment around yourself.

P.S.: This doesn't apply while talking to your best buddies, it's a general communication post 😉😛

Keep smiling and believe in yourself 😊

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