Wednesday 24 April 2019

Email of Memories

Although I am a regular email user, still I was just going through my emails, to reduce the junk stored in since years. And the post is about all those thoughts I had while deleting a few of them.

> We all have some advertisement emails suggesting to buy something or giving you some exclusive new offers or asking you to subscribe to their updates always in our inbox, but without even care to open them, we simply select them all and delete them in a single go. 😂

> Then there might be informational emails, such as if you applied for some competitive examination, so for every step from registration to result announcement, you must be having a whole bunch of emails. And yeah, that online shopping, cab booking, and ordering food also fall in the same category. These are which you cannot delete the time you receive them, but after some time, they are of no use, so just delete them also. 😅

> Next category found was about class assignments, question papers, a few important publications submission details whether accepted or rejected, or that can be your income tax return file (from the year 2014), which are definitely of no use in future, I know that but I can't delete them. Who knows kab jarurat pad jaye kis information ki! And so you do not delete such emails and keep them safe forever. 🙍

> Then I found some emails with my CVs and photographs and different documents which are obviously of utmost importance and marked important in order to retrieve as early as possible when required. Because email does act as your digital library for documents and such important stuff. 😎

> And then comes the important part of emails, the conversations and photo sharing you have done when there were no smartphones/android or when you have deleted your Whatsapp account or when there was something really important you wanted to send by typing to be saved forever (because email account are easy to transfer to new devices as compared to Whatsapp texts). Such emails are neither deleted nor just scrolled by. They make you travel in time to those days. While reading those I wondered for a few of them, was I really that pathetic in life that I have done so much of "bakwaas" which even I don't like now, how my friends bore me? 🙅 But that's the beauty of memories. I didn't delete any of those "bakwaas" emails, but just went through all of them and traveled through the memory lane. And not all of them were "bakwaas", some were good as well, like farewell messages I sent and received while leaving the job place. And so, not deleted category this was. 😁

We are so busy in our lives nowadays, that we tend to forget things easily, people have done for us and we have done for others. And finding such good memories in emails, it felt wonderful. I would suggest you all go through your email inbox since the oldest mail you have received or sent. I am sure, not only you'll be able to delete the junk out of it but will also find some reasons to smile. 😊

Keep smiling and believe in yourself 😊

P.S. You might be wondering, how I manage time to do such stuff and then write about it, but guys, trust me when I have some really important work to do, I do waste my time doing such things. So basically I mean to say is that I have an exam tomorrow and I spent my afternoon reading all those emails and writing this blog post. 😂😉😁


  1. haha... such a guilt-free confession!!
    Hope your exam went well... ;)
