Monday, 13 August 2018

Act like a Professional!

"Be Professional" "Act Maturely" "This is your workplace, act accordingly"

Are you trying to add the element of emotional attachments to your professional relations??

You will either learn a lesson for a lifetime or might even regret the time you invested! We have been listening for long that we should know how to keep our personal and professional lives separate, but hardly follow the concept. Because as human beings, especially being an Indian, we tend to incorporate the emotional locha everywhere. Not only in our personal lives and relations but even at our working place and people out there.

Since birth, we are told to spread the love around us and greet and meet everyone with a smile. And you never know who can fall for that adorable smile of yours. But that's a different subject. The thing is you even you can fall for any other smile. And then you will slowly start talking to the person who will first treat you like you know each other for years. But slowly, it will turn into a proper formal professional relationship between you two. Because initially you had a common topic of discussion for your workplace, but when it starts turning into a few personal talks, people will try to avoid the conversations.

If you are an emotional fool, you will surely fall into the trap which will, in turn, affect every aspect of your life. But because this was through a colleague of yours, you are expected to consider it as a normal activity and move forward. But sometimes we lose the heart at the moment and takes it as a time of regret. It will teach you the difference between a colleague and a friend.

Obviously, time will play its role and will heal it all but for the heat of the moment, you had hurt yourself in the process. Then why not learn to not mix up professional and personal life. Give such people access only to your work life and keep the rest of the things separate. We are not supposed to make friends in the workplace. Sometimes even people around will feel jealous of you and can affect your relationships. Save your time, energy and emotions for those who are worth it.

There are surely some people out there at your workplace who genuinely wants to become your friend and your friendship with them will develop with time. They are who deserve your time and concern. But not everyone is worth it. Colleagues might take you for granted but if they want to give your friendship a chance, they will understand your efforts and come back to you.

So, stop doing locha-e-ulfat, learn to handle your emotions, focus on your work and be progressive rather than running after people.

Keep smiling and believe in yourself 😊


  1. Its really true... Nic one.. Keep writing the true aspects of life😄

  2. So we'll said. ' locha e ulfat'.

    What I have realized is 'Indian upbringing is of a unique nature which might be a problem' ( I am definitely not saying that our upbringing is a problem i loved the way we are all brought up , like little emperors ).....

    Anyways to go on, a human being to be successful in his professional life, has to become accustom to it, probably since childhood.... as that s where we really learn fast without any inbuilt prejudices.

    This behaviour is not naturally offered to us since childhood , we are so accustomed to our parents being there , any problem you stuck in life , you don't get tuned to a life without parents.

    Life is cool for many others say:
    Kids with a career ambitious mom
    Kids with a single parent.

    Sub- consciously they are better in handling peers, controlling thier emotion with peers than regular folks.

    That's my observation. Every soul is different, and having said all this , I am still in kids zone in terms of learning how to draw this boundary.

    1. We are brought up with so much of love that we end up giving it to some unnecessary people as well and they just take it for granted! That is where we need to put a line and stop our self from giving out so much to everyone.
